some smart person solve thiss ;]


or help me im confused

all i gotta do is find slope & y intercept this is 6th math

y - 18x + 18 = 4

Slope-intercept form of the equation is,
y = mx + b
m is the slope
b is the y-intercept

You need to put tour equation in the slope-intercept form by solving for y.
Move everything to the right side of the equal sign.
y - 18x + 18 = 4
y = 4 + 18x - 18
y = 18x - 14
y = 18x + -14

Now your equation looks like this,
y = mx + b
y = 18x + -14
m = slope = 18
y-intercept = b = -14

To solve the equation y - 18x + 18 = 4, we need to isolate the variable "y". Here's how to do it step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the equation by combining like terms:
y - 18x + 18 = 4

Step 2: Move the constant term (18) to the right side of the equation by subtracting it from both sides:
y - 18x = 4 - 18

Simplifying further:
y - 18x = -14

Step 3: To isolate the variable "y", we need to get rid of the coefficient of "x". In this case, it's -18. We can do this by dividing both sides of the equation by -18:
(y - 18x)/(-18) = (-14)/(-18)

Simplifying further:
y/(-18) - (18x)/(-18) = 14/18

Simplifying even more:
y/(-18) + x = 14/18

Step 4: It's generally preferred to have the coefficient of the variable "y" positive. So, let's multiply both sides of the equation by -1:
-1 * (y/(-18) + x) = -1 * (14/18)

-y/(-18) - x = -14/18

Now, the equation becomes:
y/18 + x = -14/18

Step 5: Finally, let's simplify the equation further by multiplying all terms by 18 to get rid of the fraction:
18 * (y/18 + x) = 18 * (-14/18)

y + 18x = -14

So, the solution to the equation y - 18x + 18 = 4 is y + 18x = -14.