If your car gets 32 miles per gallon of gas you need to travel 278 miles on day 1, 649 miles on day 2, and 482 miles on day 3.

What is the function? What are the domain and the range?

To find the answer to this question, we need to calculate the amount of gas required for each day based on the car's mileage per gallon.

First, let's define the function. Let's call the function "gas_required" or "g(x)", where x represents the number of miles traveled. The function can be defined as follows:

g(x) = x / 32

In this function, "x" represents the number of miles traveled, and 32 is the number of miles per gallon the car can travel.

Now, let's calculate the gas required for each day:

For day 1:
gas_required(278) = 278 / 32 = 8.69 gallons

For day 2:
gas_required(649) = 649 / 32 = 20.28 gallons

For day 3:
gas_required(482) = 482 / 32 = 15.06 gallons

Now, let's determine the domain and range of the function:

The domain of the function is the set of all possible values for "x", which represents the number of miles traveled. In this case, the domain would be all positive real numbers since you can travel any positive number of miles.

The range of the function is the set of all possible outputs, which represent the amount of gas required. In this case, the range would be all positive real numbers greater than or equal to zero, since you can't have negative gas.

Therefore, the domain of the function is (0, ∞) and the range is [0, ∞).