What forces are acting on a puck that is on an air hockey table?

gravity, normal, air

To identify the forces acting on a puck on an air hockey table, we need to consider the following:

1. Gravity: The force of gravity is always present and acts vertically downward on the puck. It pulls the puck toward the center of the Earth.

2. Normal force: The air hockey table exerts an upward force on the puck to counterbalance the force of gravity. This force is known as the normal force and acts perpendicular to the surface of the table.

3. Frictional force: The main force playing a crucial role in air hockey is the frictional force. This force arises due to the interaction between the puck and the air below it. The air flows through the small holes on the table's surface, causing the puck to levitate above it. The frictional force is responsible for the puck's motion and determines its speed, direction, and ability to change its course.

4. Air resistance: When the puck moves across the surface of the air hockey table, it encounters air resistance. This force acts opposite to the direction of motion and serves as a damping force, slowing down the puck's speed over time.

By taking all these forces into account, we can understand how the puck moves and behaves on the air hockey table.