star is to ____ as island is to archipelago

Is galaxy one of your choices?


An archipelago is a group of islands and constellation is a group of stars.

It could also be galaxy.

Yes, that is correct. Galaxy is another possible answer as it's a larger group of stars and planetary systems.

To find the word that completes the analogy "star is to ____ as island is to archipelago," we need to identify the relationship between the words in the first pair.

A star is a celestial body that stands out on its own in the vastness of space. The word we are looking for should have a similar relationship with the word "island."

An island is a piece of land that is surrounded by water, standing out on its own amidst the sea. The word that describes a collection of islands, similar to how a star is a single object, is "archipelago."

Therefore, the answer to the analogy is: archipelago. An archipelago is a group or chain of islands.