Can someone help me out with project for Data Management. I need some topics that I could use for my thesis/hypothesis (with a lot of information)

I had death rates as my topic but my teacher said he does not approve of it because the statistics for it is too easy because you can just look at official sites and gather from there. I don't know what other topics there are...

Thank you!

Of course, I can help you brainstorm some topics for your thesis/hypothesis in Data Management. Since your previous topic of death rates was rejected, it's important to choose a topic that is challenging and requires more complex analysis. Here are a few potential topics for your consideration:

1. Stock market trends and prediction: Analyzing historical stock market data to identify patterns and trends, and then developing a prediction model to forecast future stock prices.

2. Social media sentiment analysis: Examining the sentiment of user posts on social media platforms such as Twitter or Reddit to understand public opinion on a particular topic or event.

3. Customer churn prediction: Analyzing customer data from a company's database to identify patterns and factors that contribute to customer churn, and then building a model to predict which customers are likely to leave.

4. Credit risk assessment: Using historical credit data to develop a model that can assess the creditworthiness of individuals or businesses, helping lenders make informed decisions about granting loans.

5. Predictive maintenance in manufacturing: Analyzing sensor data from machinery in a manufacturing plant to identify patterns indicating potential equipment failures, enabling proactive maintenance before critical failures occur.

These topics require you to collect and analyze various types of data and apply data management techniques to derive valuable insights. Remember to discuss these potential topics with your teacher to ensure they meet the requirements and expectations of your thesis or hypothesis. Good luck with your project!