what attracted readers by presenting "sensational" news stories?

What are your choices?

yellow journalism

I don't care!! YAppppppp LOL THIS IS BOOTAY

The presentation of "sensational" news stories tends to attract readers for a variety of reasons. Sensational news stories often capture people's attention because they are dramatic, shocking, or emotionally charged. The following factors help explain why sensational news stories are attractive to readers:

1. Emotional impact: Sensational news stories have a strong emotional impact on readers, evoking feelings such as fear, anger, or outrage. These intense emotions can be captivating, leading readers to become engaged and invested in the story.

2. Curiosity and intrigue: Sensational news stories are often based on unusual or extraordinary events, which pique readers' curiosity. People are naturally drawn to the unknown or the extraordinary, wanting to know more about such remarkable occurrences.

3. Entertainment value: Sensational news stories can be seen as a form of entertainment for readers. They provide a break from the mundane aspects of daily life and offer something gripping or fascinating to consume.

4. Shock value and controversy: Sensational news stories often involve controversy, scandal, or shocking revelations. This aspect creates a sense of drama and intensifies readers' interest in the story.

5. Identification and social relevance: Sensational news stories frequently revolve around topics that are personally relatable or socially relevant to readers. When people can identify with the characters or events in a story, it enhances their interest and engagement.

To get a better understanding of what attracts readers in presenting "sensational" news stories, you can observe the following:

- Analyze popular news websites or tabloids that thrive on sensational news and observe the types of stories they cover. Pay attention to the headlines, content, and tone of these articles.
- Conduct surveys or focus groups to gather insights on what aspects of sensational news stories appeal to readers. Ask questions about their motivations and reasons for consuming such content.
- Read studies or academic papers on media psychology or mass communication to gain a deeper understanding of the psychological factors that make sensational news appealing to readers.
- Examine social media platforms to observe the discussions and engagement surrounding sensational news stories. This can provide insights into how people are reacting and interacting with this type of content.