What does ei means when a teacher writes this on your research paper? Thanks a lot

I have no idea. What was your paper about? What other comments were written elsewhere?

Topic: Should illegal immigrants be allowed to remain in the u.s?

next to ei it said "anchor babies?"

Perhaps the teacher meant "ie" instead of "ei".

American Heritage Dictionary: i.e.

abbr. Latin
id est (that is)

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/i-e#ixzz1FUL7PYWJ

Thanks a lot for the help. i Appreciate it.

You're welcome!

When a teacher writes "ei" on your research paper, it is likely an abbreviation for "explanation and/or example(s) needed." This comment indicates that your paper could benefit from further clarifying your points or providing specific examples to support your arguments or ideas.

To address this comment and improve your research paper, consider the following steps:

1. Review the specific areas where the "ei" comment appears. Identify the sections or statements that require more explanation or examples.

2. Ensure that your overall argument or thesis statement is clear and well-defined. Make sure each paragraph and section in your paper supports and contributes to your main point.

3. Go back to the areas singled out by the comment and ask yourself the following questions:
- Is this point adequately explained? Can someone who is unfamiliar with the topic understand it?
- Are there any generalizations or assumptions that need to be clarified?
- Are there any claims that require evidence or specific examples to support them?

4. Consider the relevance and significance of your examples. Choose examples that not only support your argument but also provide a clear and concrete illustration of your points. Whenever possible, use real-life examples, case studies, statistics, or credible sources to reinforce your statements.

5. Revise the sections or statements identified by the "ei" comment, providing a more thorough explanation or incorporating additional examples where necessary. Ensure that your revised text is clear, concise, and directly addresses the reader's potential confusion or need for more context.

6. Proofread your revised paper to ensure that your explanations and examples are effectively integrated into the rest of your writing. Edit for clarity, coherence, grammar, and sentence structure before submitting your final draft.

Remember, the "ei" comment is an opportunity for you to improve your research paper by providing more thorough explanations and supporting evidence. Take it as constructive feedback from your teacher, and use it as a chance to enhance the clarity and persuasiveness of your arguments.