You are playing a card game with a deck of 52 cards.You win if you draw a red card that is a multiple of 5.What are your chances of winning on your first draw?

5s and 10s are multiple of 5. there are 2 diamond cards multiple of 5 and two hearts that are also multiple of 5. Total of 4 cards that are multiple of 5. chances of winning = 4/52 x100%= about 7.7%.


To calculate your chances of winning on your first draw, you need to determine the number of possible winning outcomes and divide it by the total number of possible outcomes.

First, let's find the number of red cards that are multiples of 5 in a deck of 52 cards. There are two red suits in a deck (hearts and diamonds), and each suit has 13 cards. Out of these 26 red cards, four of them are multiples of 5: 5, 10, 15, and 20.

Now, let's find the total number of possible outcomes. The deck has 52 cards in total.

To calculate the chances of winning on the first draw, we divide the number of winning outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes:

Chances of winning = (Number of winning outcomes) / (Total number of possible outcomes)

Chances of winning = 4 / 52

Finally, simplifying the fraction:

Chances of winning = 1 / 13

Therefore, your chances of winning on your first draw are 1 in 13, or approximately 7.7%.