a tank contains 2.6 mol of nitrogen and 1.3 mol of oxygen. If 0.65 mol of oxygen were added to the tank, what effect would this have on the pressure in the tank?

The long way.

P = nRT/V. Assume a value for T(I would pick 273K) and V(I would assume 1 L). n = 2.5 mol + 1.3 mol = 3.9 mol. Solve for P.

Then redo the whole thing, this time with n = 2.6 + 1.3 + 0.65 and solve for P.
Compare the pressures.

The short way.
P = nRT/V but since R, T, and V are constant numbers, p = n*contant.
So P = 3.8K and 4.55K so the pressure will increase by a factor of 4.55/3.9