why are string puppets harder to make &use than finger puppets?

I think they are harder because you don't have entire control over the string puppet, like wind can move it, and the strings can get tangled up.

Harder to use because you have to make everything balance well, or it will throw it off.

In addition -- string puppets have full bodies, are jointed, and clothed.

String puppets can sometimes be perceived as harder to make and use compared to finger puppets due to the additional elements involved in their construction and manipulation. Here's an explanation of why string puppets can be more challenging:

1. Construction: String puppets, also known as marionettes, consist of multiple parts connected by strings or wires. These include the head, limbs, and even intricate mechanisms for controlling movements like the mouth or eyes. The construction process requires careful attention to balance, weight distribution, and joint articulation to ensure smooth and realistic movements.

To make a string puppet, you need to gather materials such as wood or foam for the body, fabric for the clothing, and strings or wires along with various tools like scissors, pliers, and a needle and thread. The process involves cutting and shaping the components, attaching them together, and rigging the strings for control.

2. Manipulation: Using string puppets effectively requires practice and coordination. Unlike finger puppets, which are controlled directly by a single finger, string puppets require the manipulation of multiple strings to produce desired movements. This can be challenging, especially for beginners, as it demands greater dexterity and coordination between hands.

Controlling a marionette involves grasping and pulling different strings to articulate movements in the head, limbs, and body. Multiple strings need to be manipulated simultaneously to create fluid motions such as walking, running, or dancing. This coordination of movements takes time, precision, and practice to master.

3. Artistic Expression: String puppets offer a broader range of artistic expression compared to finger puppets. They provide opportunities to create intricate characters with detailed features, complex costumes, and lifelike movements. However, this artistic potential increases the complexity of their creation and manipulation.

In summary, string puppets are harder to make and use than finger puppets due to the complexity and precision required in their construction, the coordination needed for their manipulation, and the artistic potential they offer. However, with practice, patience, and a willingness to learn, anyone can develop the skills necessary to create and control string puppets effectively.