Round 10 2/3 to the nearest whole number?

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thank you

The number 8 1/2 rounded to the nearest whole number is

What about to the nearest half?

It’s not 9 it’s ten if it is 3/4/10 the 4 is less than 5 by the way the dem stays the same on this one because it’s ten anything less than 5 = 10 5 or more = 11


The answer is 9 cause you round it to the nearest whole number as 10. Hope that helped

Any fraction over 1/2 (including 1/2) would round UP to the next whole number.

Any fraction under 1/2 would round DOWN to that whole number.

So 3 1/2 would round up to 4.
And 3 1/4 would round down to 3.

What do you think about 10 2/3?

10 2/3 would round up to 11?