A storage box measure 24in by 12in by 3in. Find its volume to the nearest cubic meter (1in =2.54cm)

24*12*3=864 in (thats the volume in inches)

864*2.54=2194.56 cm

24 * 2.54 = a

12 * 2.54 = b
3 + 2.54 = c

Multiply a * b * c to find the volume.


>500 <500

To find the volume of the storage box, we need to multiply its length, width, and height together.

First, let's convert the dimensions from inches to centimeters, since we are ultimately looking for the volume in cubic meters. We know that 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters.

Length: 24 inches = 24 * 2.54 cm = 60.96 cm
Width: 12 inches = 12 * 2.54 cm = 30.48 cm
Height: 3 inches = 3 * 2.54 cm = 7.62 cm

Now, we have the dimensions of the storage box in centimeters:
Length = 60.96 cm
Width = 30.48 cm
Height = 7.62 cm

To find the volume, we multiply these dimensions together:
Volume = Length * Width * Height
Volume = 60.96 cm * 30.48 cm * 7.62 cm

Calculating this value gives us the volume in cubic centimeters.

However, we need to convert the volume to cubic meters, as stated in the question. To do this, we divide the volume by 1,000,000 since there are 1,000,000 cubic centimeters in a cubic meter.

Volume (in cubic meters) = Volume (in cubic centimeters) / 1,000,000

So, the volume of the storage box in cubic meters is approximately Volume (in cubic meters) = (60.96 cm * 30.48 cm * 7.62 cm) / 1,000,000.

Performing this final calculation will give you the answer to the nearest cubic meter.