okay i have this writing assignment on how drunk driving can be stopped ..

i have like three sentences to complete it and these three sentences are to explain how/what harsher penalties can help in stopping drunk driving..

I'm stuck because the following are already the penalties for drunk driving:

Jail time, probation, the installation of an ignition interlock system in your vehicle, insurance coverage problems, restricted travel, community service, loss of employment and expensive fines are some of the consequences you could face. And the penalties only worsen with each new drunk driving conviction added to your record. Many times, a second DUI conviction within a five-year period of your first conviction can result in double the jail time, fines and probation period.

i was thinking harsher penalties for those who are caught DUI for the first time any ideas ??

(i cant post the full paragraph for Plagiarism reasons)

Loss of license?


To complete your assignment, you can consider the following three sentences to explain how harsher penalties can help in stopping drunk driving:

1. Implementing harsher penalties for first-time DUI offenders can serve as a strong deterrent, encouraging individuals to think twice before getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. This may include increasing the length of license suspension, imposing mandatory alcohol education programs, or imposing more significant fines.

2. Harsher penalties can also send a clear message to society that drunk driving is taken seriously and will not be tolerated. Knowing the severe consequences that await them, potential offenders may be more inclined to make responsible choices and find alternative means of transportation after consuming alcohol.

3. Additionally, the fear of facing harsher penalties can act as an influential factor in changing social perceptions and norms surrounding drunk driving. By making it unacceptable both legally and socially, stricter penalties can help shift attitudes and foster a culture where choosing not to drink and drive is the norm.

Remember, when constructing your paragraph, make sure to incorporate these points in your own words to avoid plagiarism.