1. 3+2+1=1+2+3

2. 3(1+4)=(3x1)+(3X4)
3. 9(5+6)=45+54
4. 9+(4+3)=(4+3)+9
5. (9+7)+6=9+(7+6)
6. 5(a+7)=5a+35

A. Associative Prop. of Addition
B. Associative Prop. of Multiplication
C. Commutative Prop. of Addition
D. Commutative Prop. of Multiplication
E. Distributive Prop.


1,3,4,5,6 are correct.

Rethink 2, you'll get it right.

Would it be E?

Let's go through each statement and determine which property is being demonstrated.

1. 3+2+1=1+2+3
This statement demonstrates the commutative property of addition, which states that the order in which numbers are added does not affect the result.

2. 3(1+4)=(3x1)+(3X4)
This statement demonstrates the distributive property, which states that multiplying a number by the sum of two other numbers is the same as multiplying the number by each of the two numbers separately and then adding the products together.

3. 9(5+6)=45+54
This statement also demonstrates the distributive property.

4. 9+(4+3)=(4+3)+9
This statement demonstrates the associative property of addition, which states that the grouping of numbers being added does not affect the result.

5. (9+7)+6=9+(7+6)
This statement also demonstrates the associative property of addition.

6. 5(a+7)=5a+35
This statement demonstrates the distributive property.

Based on this analysis, the correct answers are:

1. C - Commutative Property of Addition
2. E - Distributive Property
3. E - Distributive Property
4. A - Associative Property of Addition
5. A - Associative Property of Addition
6. E - Distributive Property