ms.pritchard wrote the following inequality on the board 5.6 with the sign greater on equal to then negative fourteen what should be the solution set for the inequality

somebody help with this question

To find the solution set for the inequality, let's break down the given information:

Ms. Pritchard wrote the inequality on the board:

5.6 ≥ -14

The inequality sign "≥" represents "greater than or equal to."

Now, let's solve the inequality step by step:

Step 1: Start by subtracting 5.6 from both sides of the inequality to isolate the variable:

5.6 - 5.6 ≥ -14 - 5.6

0 ≥ -14 - 5.6

Step 2: Simplify the right side of the equation:

0 ≥ -19.6

Step 3: Since 0 is always greater than or equal to any negative number, the inequality is true for all real numbers.

Therefore, the solution set for the given inequality is (-∞, ∞), which means that any real number satisfies the inequality.