If a student's percentile rank in a class of 400 students is 87, how do I find the student's class rank.

0.13 * 400 = 52

The student is 52nd of 400.

Thank you so much

To find the student's class rank, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the given information
- The student's percentile rank: 87
- The total number of students in the class: 400

Step 2: Calculate the number of students below the percentile
To find the number of students below the given percentile, you can use the following formula:
Number of students below = (Percentile/100) * Total number of students
Number of students below = (87/100) * 400 = 348

Step 3: Calculate the class rank
Since the student is in the 87th percentile, there are 348 students below them. To find the student's class rank, you can subtract the number of students below from the total number of students:
Class rank = Total number of students - Number of students below
Class rank = 400 - 348 = 52

Therefore, the student's class rank is 52.