

Combine like terms.

9x - 45 = 4x - 5

Subtract 4x from both sides.
Add 45 to both sides.


9x - 45 = 4x - 5

9x-4x= -5+45

5x=40 Divide with 5


To solve the equation 9(x-5) = 4x - 5, we will start by simplifying both sides of the equation.

Step 1: Apply the distributive property.
On the left side, distribute 9 to both terms inside the parentheses.
9(x) - 9(5) = 4x - 5

9x - 45 = 4x - 5

Step 2: Move the variables to one side and the constants to the other side.
To do this, we'll subtract 4x from both sides of the equation to isolate the variable term on one side.
9x - 4x - 45 = 4x - 4x - 5

5x - 45 = -5

Next, add 45 to both sides of the equation to isolate the variable term on the left side:
5x - 45 + 45 = -5 + 45

5x = 40

Step 3: Solve for x.
To solve for x, we'll divide both sides of the equation by 5 to isolate the variable x.
(5x)/5 = 40/5

x = 8

Therefore, the solution to the equation 9(x-5) = 4x - 5 is x = 8.