1/16x^4 +3/8x^3 +1/8x^2+1)+ (-9/16x^4 +7/8x^2 -1)

I had previously made a mistake in the first set of problems in the last numbers. instead of +1, I had -1. I apologize for the confusion. Thank you.

Pasted from previous post by PsyDag,

Since it is not an equation, I cannot solve it for you, but I can help you to simplify it.

Get rid of the fractions by multiplying everything by 16.

I corrected the -1 to +1.

x^4 + 6x^3 + 2x^2 + 16 - 9x^4 + 14x^2 - 16

Combine like terms.

If you want, post your answer and I will check.