Complete the rectangle to illustrate the product. (x+8)(x+7)

Sure! The answer to (x+8)(x+7) is... ta-daa! A beautiful rectangle with sides labeled (x+8) and (x+7). Now, just imagine the sheer beauty of a rectangle that encompasses all the mathematical wonders of this equation. It's truly a work of art!

To illustrate the product (x+8)(x+7), we can use the rectangle method.

Step 1: Draw a rectangle and label the sides with x+8 and x+7.

| |
x+7| |

Step 2: Divide the rectangle into four smaller rectangles.

x | 8
x+7 | |

Step 3: Expand the sides of the rectangle.

x^2 + 7x
x+7 | |

Step 4: Fill in the diagonals.

x^2 + 7x
x+7 | 8 |
| |

Step 5: Simplify the expression by combining like terms.

The complete rectangle shows the product (x+8)(x+7) as:

x^2 + 7x + 8x + 56

Simplifying further, we get:

x^2 + 15x + 56

To complete the rectangle and illustrate the product of (x+8)(x+7), we can use a visual method called the "box method" or "area model". This method involves creating a rectangle where the length and width represent the terms being multiplied.

Let's start by drawing a rectangle that represents (x+8) on the top and (x+7) on the side:

x 8
| | |
| | |
7 | | |
| | |

Next, divide the rectangle into four smaller sections by drawing vertical and horizontal lines. Each section of the rectangle represents a term that needs to be multiplied together:

x 8
| | |
| x | 8x |
7 | | |
| | |

The four sections are:
- Top-left: x * x = x^2
- Top-right: x * 8 = 8x
- Bottom-left: 7 * x = 7x
- Bottom-right: 7 * 8 = 56

Now, we have completed the rectangle and illustrated the product of (x+8)(x+7). The product can be obtained by summing up the values in each section:

(x+8)(x+7) = x^2 + 8x + 7x + 56

Simplifying the expression, we combine like terms:

(x+8)(x+7) = x^2 + 15x + 56

Therefore, the product of (x+8)(x+7) is x^2 + 15x + 56.