Can you please check these sentences for me, please? Thank you very much.

1)The avenger is involved in complex planning.
2) A lot of murders occur within the play.
3) The hero becomes more and more isolated throughout the play (better: within the play, as the play develops?)
4) The action is delayed by a period of doubt, which wll involve complex planning.
5) The Jews were restricted in the professions they could follow (is "do" possible?)
6) Hamlet plans to avenge (not revenge) the murder of his father. Eventually he gets (has? is possible) his revenge.
7) You didn't stick to the point since you reported the whole plot instead of explaining how he plans to kill Claudius.
8) Do you mind if I leave? Yes, I mind (is it possible?)

1) OK

2) Many murders occur within the play.

3) The hero becomes more and more isolated as the play develops.

4) The action is delayed by a period of doubt, which involves complex planning. (... although I'm not quite sure how doubt can involve complex planning!!)

5) The Jews were restricted in the professions they could follow. ("do" is not possible, but "have" is.)

6) Hamlet plans to avenge the murder of his father. Eventually he has his revenge.

7) OK

8) Do you mind if I leave? Yes, I mind (is it possible?) <~~"Yes, I mind" is possible if you mean "No, I don't want you to leave."

1) The sentence "The avenger is involved in complex planning" is grammatically correct. However, please note that "complex planning" could be made clearer by specifying what exactly is being planned. For example, "The avenger is involved in complex planning to seek revenge."

2) The sentence "A lot of murders occur within the play" is grammatically correct.

3) The sentence "The hero becomes more and more isolated throughout the play" is grammatically correct. Your suggestion to add "as the play develops" is also acceptable and can provide more clarity.

4) The sentence "The action is delayed by a period of doubt, which will involve complex planning" is grammatically correct. Again, to provide more clarity, it would be helpful to specify what exactly is being planned.

5) The sentence "The Jews were restricted in the professions they could follow" is grammatically correct. Using "do" instead of "could" would change the meaning of the sentence. "Do" implies ongoing or current restrictions, while "could" indicates past limitations.

6) The sentence "Hamlet plans to avenge the murder of his father. Eventually, he gets his revenge" is grammatically correct. However, using "has" instead of "gets" would also be acceptable. Both imply that Hamlet achieves his goal of revenge.

7) The sentence "You didn't stick to the point since you reported the whole plot instead of explaining how he plans to kill Claudius" is grammatically correct. However, you can make it more concise and assertive by saying, "You didn't stick to the point. Instead of explaining how he plans to kill Claudius, you reported the whole plot."

8) The sentence "Do you mind if I leave? Yes, I mind" is grammatically correct. It effectively conveys that the speaker does mind if the person leaves.