In a body of fresh water, a dissolved oxygen concentration of 0.262 or higher is usually needed to maintain a healthy aquatic ecosystem. For a lake to maintain this concentration, what is the maximum water temperature?


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To determine the maximum water temperature for a lake to maintain a dissolved oxygen concentration of 0.262 or higher, we need to refer to the temperature-oxygen saturation curve. This curve shows the relationship between water temperature and the maximum amount of oxygen that the water can hold.

The solubility of oxygen in water decreases as temperature increases. This means that warmer water has a lower capacity to hold dissolved oxygen. At higher temperatures, the dissolved oxygen concentration tends to be lower.

To find the maximum water temperature, we look for the temperature at which the dissolved oxygen concentration drops below 0.262. Typically, water bodies are considered healthy if the dissolved oxygen concentration is above this threshold.

It is important to note that the temperature-oxygen saturation curve is specific to each water body and can be influenced by factors such as water salinity, pressure, and the presence of other dissolved substances.

To obtain the specific temperature value for a dissolved oxygen concentration of 0.262, you would need to consult the temperature-oxygen saturation curve for the particular freshwater body you are interested in studying.