Identify the attributes of the shapes.

Which attributes change according to a pattern?


To identify the attributes of shapes, we need to understand what attributes are and how they relate to shapes. Attributes are the characteristics or properties of an object. In the case of shapes, some common attributes include:

1. Number of sides: This refers to the total count of straight lines that form a shape.
2. Length of sides: The measurement of each side's length in a shape.
3. Angles: The measure of the internal angles formed within a shape.
4. Symmetry: It represents whether a shape can be divided into two equal halves that mirror each other.
5. Area: The amount of space that a shape occupies.
6. Perimeter: The sum of all the lengths of the sides of a shape.

Now, regarding the attributes that change according to a pattern, it depends on the specific shapes being considered. Different shapes have different attributes that may change predictably.

For example, in a sequence of regular polygons like triangles, squares, pentagons, and so on, the attributes of the number of sides and angles increase by one as we move along the sequence. The length of sides may or may not change depending on the specific sequence.

In other cases, patterns may involve attributes such as rotation, reflection, or scaling. For example, a pattern of increasing size or rotating angles could be observed in a set of similar shapes.

To determine which attributes change according to a pattern, you would need to examine a specific set of shapes or a given sequence and observe how the attributes vary. By analyzing the patterns exhibited by each shape or set of shapes, you can identify the attributes that change consistently and in a predictable manner.