The quotient of h and -6 is at least 5.

What is your question?

how do i put that in a equation form?


To find the answer to this question, we need to set up an inequality equation.

Let's assign "h" as the variable for the quotient of h and -6.

According to the problem, the quotient of h and -6 is at least 5. Inequality signs are used to represent "at least," so we can write the inequality equation as:

h/-6 ≥ 5

To solve this inequality, we need to isolate the variable h.

Multiplying both sides of the inequality by -6 (remember, when you multiply or divide an inequality by a negative number, the inequality sign changes direction) gives us:

h ≤ -6 * 5

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

h ≤ -30

Therefore, the solution to the inequality h/-6 ≥ 5 is h ≤ -30.