Glorification of war in theory would be that it can change society, and make people better.

but what would it be in Practice:??

In theory, the glorification of war suggests that engaging in warfare can lead to positive societal changes and improvements. However, when examining the practical implications of this idea, it becomes more complex. Here are some aspects to consider:

1. Human Cost: War often leads to significant loss of life, physical and psychological injuries, displacement, and trauma. In practice, the glorification of war may downplay or ignore these human costs, focusing solely on the perceived benefits.

2. Destruction and Necessity: Wars typically involve extensive destruction of infrastructure, homes, and communities. The belief that war can bring positive changes neglects the fact that reconstruction and rebuilding are often needed post-conflict, requiring significant time, resources, and human effort.

3. Unintended Consequences: Wars rarely go exactly as planned, and the outcomes may vary significantly from the initial objectives. This unpredictability can lead to unintended consequences, such as political instability, social unrest, and economic hardships that can have long-lasting impacts on a society.

4. Ethical Concerns: The glorification of war often raises ethical questions. Acts of violence and killing are generally seen as morally wrong. It can be argued that the focus should be on promoting peaceful resolutions and finding nonviolent means to address societal issues and conflicts.

It is crucial to critically analyze and evaluate the practical implications of glorifying war. Considering the human cost, destruction, unintended consequences, and ethical concerns can help provide a more comprehensive understanding of its implications in practice. It is worth noting that many societies and individuals today strive for peaceful solutions and nonviolent conflict resolution to avoid the devastating consequences of war.