dad divied $180 amoung his two sons in the ratio of 4:5. How much did each receive ?

Cross multiply and solve for x.

x/180 = 4/9

9x = 720
x = ?

x is one boy's portion.

each part is 1/9 of 180 or 20 dollars. One got 80 dollars, the other 100 dollars.

Thank You !

To find out how much each son received, we need to divide the total amount of money ($180) according to the ratio of 4:5.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of parts in the ratio
The total number of parts in the ratio of 4:5 is 4 + 5 = 9

Step 2: Determine the value of each part
To determine the value of each part, we divide the total amount of money ($180) by the total number of parts (9):
$180 ÷ 9 = $20

Step 3: Calculate the share for each son
Now, we will multiply the value of each part ($20) by the respective ratios:
Son 1: 4 parts × $20 = $80
Son 2: 5 parts × $20 = $100

Therefore, Son 1 received $80 and Son 2 received $100 from their father.