Use at least five adverbs and five adjectives to write a brief review of a movie, sporting event, musical performance, or television show.

I wrote my movie review but im really confused on which ones are adjectives and which ones are adverbs. could you please help me?
Last night I took my daughters to go see Justin Bieber, Never Say Never movie. Its about a 16-year-old pop star’s first concert film. It also explores Justin’s personal journey to a sold out concert in Madison Square Garden last year. It details how Justin’s mother started putting up music videos of her talented son singing on YouTube several years ago. The videos attracted some bigwigs in the music industry, and the rest is history. As Justin drives his young female fans gaga, the movie shows Justin, his mother and his team, praying backstage and with his teenage friends.

NEVER SAY NEVER is an entertaining movie that gives viewers an inside peak at the roots of the Justin Bieber phenomenon. The 3D effects are well done. Best yet, the movie is not afraid to show the Christian worldview of Justin, his mother and the team they’ve assembled. Thus, there are several prayers to God, including one “in the name of Jesus.” However, Justin sings only romance songs, and the sight of so many swooning young female fans, including pre-teens, getting so emotional is disturbing. The same thing, of course, happened to Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, and the Beatles.

This site should help you find your adjectives and adverbs.

We'll be glad to check your answers. Type each adjective and adverb in all caps. After each put adj or adv in parentheses.

Last night I took my daughters to go see Justin Bieber, Never Say Never movie. Its about a 16-year-old pop star’s FIRST(adj) concert film. It also EXPLORES(adj) Justin’s personal journey to a sold out concert in Madison Square Garden last year. It details how Justin’s mother SLOWLY(adv) started putting up music videos of her TALENTED(adj) son singing on YouTube several years ago. The videos attracted some bigwigs in the music industry, and the rest is history. As Justin drives his young female fans gaga, the movie shows Justin, his mother and his team, praying backstage and with his teenage friends.

NEVER SAY NEVER is an ENTERTAINING(adj) movie that gives viewers an inside peak at the roots of the Justin Bieber phenomenon. The 3D EFFECTS(adj) are well done. Best yet, the movie is not afraid to show the Christian worldview of Justin, his mother and the team they’ve assembled. Thus, there are several prayers to God, including one “in the name of Jesus.” However, Justin SINGS(adj) only romance songs, and the sight of so many swooning young female fans, including pre-teens, getting so emotional is REALLY(adv) disturbing. The same thing, of course, happened to Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, and the Beatles.

Is this right?

Some of those are correct. But --

explores is a verb
effects is a noun
sings is a verb

Absolutely! I can help you identify the adjectives and adverbs in your movie review.

Adjectives describe or modify nouns, while adverbs describe or modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

Here are the adverbs and adjectives I found in your review:

1. Never: This is an adverb that modifies the verb "say" in the movie title.
2. Well: This adverb describes how the 3D effects were done.
3. Only: This adverb describes the type of songs that Justin sings.
4. So: This adverb emphasizes the level of emotion shown by the young female fans.
5. Of course: This adverb adds a sense of certainty or expectation.

1. Young: This adjective describes the age of Justin's fans.
2. Talented: This adjective describes Justin's singing abilities.
3. Bigwigs: While technically a noun, "bigwigs" functions as an adjective here to describe important figures in the music industry.
4. Disturbing: This adjective expresses how the sight of emotional young fans affects the reviewer.
5. Same: This adjective refers to the similarity of the phenomenon experienced by Justin to past artists like Frank Sinatra and the Beatles.

Hope this clears things up for you!