What will be the impact on society If people live more then life expectaney?

We'd have more elderly and aged people to take care of. The wage earners would have to pay for this increased expense.

thank you

You're welcome.

If people start living longer than the current life expectancy, it would have several potential impacts on society. Here are some possibilities:

1. Increased strain on resources: If people live longer, there will be a larger population of older individuals who require healthcare services, pensions, and other forms of support. This could put a strain on healthcare systems, retirement funds, and social welfare programs.

2. Changes in the workforce: Longer lives would likely lead to longer careers, as people would have more years to work and contribute to the economy. This could mean that retirement ages would need to be adjusted, and older individuals may need to acquire new skills to remain employable.

3. Shifts in family dynamics: Longer lives could change family structures and dynamics. For example, people may have more opportunities for multiple marriages or different phases of family life. Additionally, caring for elderly parents or grandparents could be more common and potentially impact the younger generation's ability to pursue their own careers and goals.

4. Advancements in healthcare and technology: The possibility of longer lifespans might incentivize further advancements in medical research and technology. Breakthroughs in areas such as regenerative medicine, genetic engineering, and anti-aging therapies could become more prominent, potentially leading to healthier and longer lives for people.

To understand the actual impact on society, it is important to note that this scenario is hypothetical, as the current life expectancy varies across countries and has been gradually increasing over time. To gain a deeper understanding, it would be helpful to study the demographic, economic, and social implications of longer lifespans, considering both the positive and negative effects.