what does the author of "the real story of jamestown" argue is the most tremendous change in the world next to the extinction of the dinosaurs?

To find out what the author of "The Real Story of Jamestown" argues is the most tremendous change in the world next to the extinction of the dinosaurs, you would need to locate and read the book or article written by the author. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can try to find the answer:

1. Identify the author: Determine the name of the author who wrote "The Real Story of Jamestown."
2. Check the book/article: Search for the complete text of "The Real Story of Jamestown" by the specific author. You can start by looking in libraries, online bookstores, or academic databases.
3. Skim the content: Once you have access to the book or article, skim through the relevant sections, introduction, conclusion, or any chapters that discuss significant changes in the world.
4. Pay attention to key arguments: Look for passages where the author explicitly discusses the most tremendous change in the world, if any. The author might dedicate a section or make a strong argument or claim regarding this change.
5. Analyze the context: Consider the author's perspective, the book's overall theme, and any supporting evidence provided.

Remember, without the specific author's name and the book in question, it is challenging to provide a direct answer. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct your own research using the steps outlined above to find the exact argument made by the author.