in one paragraph describe how the Monroe Doctrine has shaped the recent foreign policy decisions made by the U.S.

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The Monroe Doctrine, declared by President James Monroe in 1823, has significantly influenced recent foreign policy decisions made by the United States. The doctrine aimed to establish the Western Hemisphere as a sphere of influence exclusively for the United States and to deter any European intervention. It has shaped U.S. foreign policy by asserting a commitment to preserving and protecting the independence and sovereignty of Latin American countries, while also promoting democratic governance and free trade. This policy has had a significant impact on various occasions, such as the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, where the United States sought to prevent any Soviet interference in its neighboring hemisphere and maintained its influence by implementing a naval blockade. Furthermore, the Monroe Doctrine continues to guide U.S. foreign policy towards countries like Venezuela, where recent political and humanitarian crises have prompted the United States to assert its interests and influence using the principles established in the doctrine.