
The equation s = 5k + 5z represents a linear relationship between the variables s, k, and z. To understand this equation better, let's break it down:

- s is the dependent variable. It represents the value that is dependent on the values of the other variables, k and z.
- k and z are the independent variables. They are the variables whose values can change freely, and they determine the value of s.

In this equation, both k and z are multiplied by 5 and then added together. This means that any change in k or z will directly affect the value of s.

To find the specific value of s for given values of k and z, you need to substitute the values of k and z into the equation and perform the necessary calculations. For example, if k = 2 and z = 3, you would substitute these values into the equation:

s = 5(2) + 5(3)
s = 10 + 15
s = 25

So, when k = 2 and z = 3, the value of s would be 25.