Which one of thefollowing statements does NOT exemplify the concepts of teachable moments?

a. the teacher follows the child's cues when exploring a topic.
b.The adult acting as the child's social partner in the block center, using semantic extension where appropriate
c.the child's "share'n Tell object is included as another activity option for enter time.
d.the parents says,"it's time for bed. I'll read you a story.
I chose A for my answer. can someonepleas check it for me

A is not the answer.

Are you clear on what a "teachable moment" is?

Do you understand what a teachable moment is?

Check this site and then rethink your answer.


sorry i mistken put a instead of d

Yes, D is correct.

To determine which statement does NOT exemplify the concept of teachable moments, we need to understand what teachable moments are. Teachable moments refer to spontaneous opportunities for learning that arise within a given context. These moments often occur when a child shows interest or curiosity in a certain topic or when a specific situation presents a chance for learning.

Now, let's analyze each statement:

a. The teacher follows the child's cues when exploring a topic: This statement exemplifies the concept of teachable moments. When a teacher follows a child's lead and allows them to explore a topic of interest, it creates a teachable moment.

b. The adult acting as the child's social partner in the block center, using semantic extension where appropriate: This statement also exemplifies teachable moments. By engaging with the child in the block center and using semantic extension (expanding the child's vocabulary and understanding), the adult is taking advantage of a valuable teachable moment.

c. The child's "share'n Tell object is included as another activity option for enter time: This statement exemplifies teachable moments as well. By including the child's "share'n Tell" object as an activity option, it provides an opportunity for the child to share and engage with others, fostering learning and communication skills.

d. The parent says, "It's time for bed. I'll read you a story": This statement does not exemplify teachable moments. While reading a story can be a valuable learning experience, the specific situation described here does not involve a spontaneous opportunity for learning based on the child's interest or curiosity.

Based on this analysis, it appears that your answer, choice A, is incorrect. Choice D is the statement that does NOT exemplify the concept of teachable moments.