direct or indirect characterization? I lay screaming on the floor, "My foot! My foot! I think it's broken!" But my sister just reeled back and kicked me, "Get up or you'll wake up Dad!"

Let us know what you think.

The passage contains both direct and indirect characterization.

Direct characterization involves the author explicitly describing a character's traits or qualities. In this case, the statement "But my sister just reeled back and kicked me" directly characterizes the sister as someone who reacts violently and forcefully.

Indirect characterization, on the other hand, involves revealing a character's traits through their actions, thoughts, or dialogue. In the sentence "I lay screaming on the floor, 'My foot! My foot! I think it's broken!'", the character's actions and words indirectly characterize themselves as being in pain and expressing concern for their injured foot.

In summary, the sister's characterization is direct because the author directly describes her actions, while the narrator's characterization is indirect because their actions and words indirectly reveal their state of pain and concern.