Experiment in rust: does anhydrous calcium chloride in solid form prevent rust on matal nails is submerged for 5 days?

Is it available in liquid form? If yes, does that prevent a nail from rusting after 5 days?
Many thanks

To determine whether anhydrous calcium chloride in solid form prevents rust on metal nails when submerged for 5 days, you can conduct an experiment as follows:

1. Materials needed:
- Metal nails
- Anhydrous calcium chloride in solid form
- Two containers (e.g., plastic containers or cups)
- Water

2. Procedure:
- Fill the first container with water and place a metal nail in it.
- Fill the second container with water and add anhydrous calcium chloride in solid form to create a concentrated solution.
- Submerge another metal nail in the calcium chloride solution.
- Ensure both nails are fully submerged and have no contact with air.
- Keep the containers in a controlled environment for 5 days.
- After 5 days, carefully remove the nails from the containers.

3. Compare the nails:
- Examine the nails from both containers.
- Look for signs of rust such as reddish-brown discoloration or corrosion.
- If one or both nails show signs of rust, compare the extent of rust between the nails to determine the effectiveness of anhydrous calcium chloride in preventing rust.

Regarding the availability of anhydrous calcium chloride in liquid form, it is typically available in a concentrated liquid solution. This liquid form can also be used for the experiment. Simply replace the solid form with the liquid form, following the same procedure outlined above.

Testing the liquid form of anhydrous calcium chloride would allow you to compare its effectiveness in preventing rust with the solid form. Note that calcium chloride itself has a rust-prevention effect due to its ability to absorb moisture, which helps reduce the presence of water on the nail's surface and, therefore, minimize the chance of rust formation.

Remember, conducting proper controls and replicating the experiment multiple times will yield more reliable results.