A glacier moves with a speed of 42 nm/s.

How many years would it take for the
glacier to move 0.78 km?
Answer in units of yr.

To find the number of years it would take for the glacier to move 0.78 km, we first need to convert the speed from nanometers per second (nm/s) to kilometers per year (km/yr).

1 nanometer (nm) is equal to 1 x 10^-12 kilometers (km).
1 second (s) is equal to 365.25 days (average length of a year) or 3.1709791983765 x 10^7 seconds.

So, to convert the speed from nm/s to km/yr, we'll use the following conversion factors:

1 nanometer (nm) = 1 x 10^-12 kilometers (km)

1 second (s) = 3.1709791983765 x 10^7 seconds (s)

Thus, the conversion can be calculated as:

(42 nm/s) * (1 km / (1 x 10^12 nm)) * (3.1709791983765 x 10^7 s / 1 year)

Simplifying the above expression:

(42 *1*3.1709791983765) km / (1(x 10^12) * 1 * 1 sec)

= 133.226191792 km/year

Now, to find the number of years it would take for the glacier to move 0.78 km, we'll divide the distance by the speed:

Time (in years) = Distance / Speed

Time (in years) = 0.78 km / 133.226191792 km/year

Time (in years) ≈ 0.00585 years

Therefore, it would take approximately 0.00585 years for the glacier to move 0.78 km.