can someone help me with some information on each one of this.

Employee Receives Either Rewards or Punishments
Employee Identifies Need
Employee searches for ways to satisfy these needs
Employee Reassess Need Deficiencies
Employee Performs
Employee Selects Goal-directed Behaviors

Rewards? Increased pay, flexible hours, other perks

Punishment? Lay-off, pay or hour reduction, removal of perks

Employee wants rewards

I'm sure you can take it from here.

Certainly! Let's break down each point and explain them one by one:

1. Employee Receives Either Rewards or Punishments: This refers to the concept of reinforcement in the workplace. Employees receive either rewards or punishments based on their performance or behavior. Rewards could include bonuses, promotions, or recognition, while punishments could include reprimands or warnings.

2. Employee Identifies Need: This step involves the process of recognizing a need or desire for something. It could be a need for professional development, career advancement, more challenging tasks, or personal fulfillment. Identifying needs is the first step towards finding ways to fulfill them.

3. Employee searches for ways to satisfy these needs: Once the need is identified, the employee actively seeks solutions or methods to fulfill that need. This might involve researching, seeking advice from colleagues or supervisors, attending training programs, or looking for opportunities within the organization.

4. Employee Reassess Need Deficiencies: After searching for ways to satisfy the identified need, the employee evaluates whether the current solutions are effective in meeting their needs. They reassess whether there are any deficiencies or gaps that need to be addressed in order to achieve their goals.

5. Employee Performs: This stage involves the actual execution of the tasks or actions required to fulfill the needs. The employee puts their knowledge, skills, and efforts into practice, working towards achieving the desired outcomes or goals.

6. Employee Selects Goal-directed Behaviors: In this step, the employee decides on the specific behaviors or actions that will directly contribute to the fulfillment of their goals. They prioritize tasks, set objectives, and choose actions that align with their needs and aspirations.

It's important to note that these points represent a general process or framework that employees may go through. The actual experience and implementation may vary depending on the individual and the specific circumstances within the workplace.