a nurse counts 76 beats in one minute. what are the period and frequency of the hearts oscillations?

frequency = (76/60) Hertz

period = 1/frequency

To find the period and frequency of the heart's oscillations, we need to understand the relationship between them. The period represents the time taken for one complete cycle of oscillation, while the frequency represents the number of oscillations per unit time.

Given that the nurse counts 76 beats in one minute, we can use this information to find the period and frequency.

To find the period, we need to convert the time to seconds since the period is usually measured in seconds. There are 60 seconds in one minute, so the period can be calculated as:

Period = Time / Number of oscillations
Period = 60 seconds / 76 beats

To find the frequency, we need to determine the number of oscillations per unit time. Since the period represents one oscillation, the frequency can be calculated as:

Frequency = 1 / Period

So, let's calculate the period and frequency:

Period = 60 seconds / 76 beats
Period ≈ 0.7895 seconds

Frequency = 1 / Period
Frequency ≈ 1.267 Hz (Hertz)

Therefore, the period of the heart's oscillation is approximately 0.7895 seconds, and the frequency is approximately 1.267 Hz.