Is the word "during" a preposition in "Were the animals hiding during the storm yesterday."

Yes. During is a preposition. It starts the prepositional phrase "during the storm."

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Yes, the word "during" is a preposition in the sentence "Were the animals hiding during the storm yesterday."

To determine if "during" is a preposition, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the word in question: In this case, it is "during."
2. Identify the object of the preposition: The object of the preposition is "the storm."
3. Check if the word relates the object to another part of the sentence: "During" indicates the relationship between the animals hiding and the storm, showing that the hiding occurred at the same time as the storm.
4. Confirm if it fits the definition of a preposition: A preposition is a word that links a noun or pronoun (in this case, "the storm") to another part of the sentence (the hiding animals) and shows their relationship in terms of time, place, or direction.

In this sentence, "during" connects "the storm" to "the animals hiding" and indicates the timeframe in which the hiding occurred. Therefore, "during" functions as a preposition.