A car has an acceleration of 16 pc/y2. This value can be CONVERTED into which of the following units?

To convert the given value of acceleration into different units, we need to understand the current unit and the units we can convert it to.

The given unit is pc/y², which stands for parsecs per year squared. Parsec (pc) is a unit of astronomical distance, and year (y) is a unit of time.

To convert this unit into different units, we can use conversion factors. Here are some possible units to convert to:

1. Meters per second squared (m/s²): We can use the fact that 1 parsec is approximately 30.857 × 10^15 meters and 1 year is approximately 31,536,000 seconds.

2. Kilometers per hour squared (km/h²): We can use the fact that 1 parsec is approximately 3.094 × 10^13 kilometers and 1 year is approximately 8,760 hours.

3. Miles per hour squared (mi/h²): We can use the fact that 1 parsec is approximately 1.917 × 10^13 miles and 1 year is approximately 8,760 hours.

By using the appropriate conversion factors with the given acceleration value of 16 pc/y², we can convert it into any of these units. It would be useful to use a calculator or a unit conversion tool for accurate conversions.