What are two other social changes that occurred during 1865 and 1945 that's not on this list:

The Fourteeth Amendment
City life and City culture
The political machine
Wilson's Fourteen Points
World War I
Pearl Harbor
World War II

Women got the right to vote.

African Americans got the right to vote.

Immigration from eastern and southern Europe increased.

Thank you so much for your help.

You're welcome.

To find two other social changes that occurred between 1865 and 1945, we can look into significant events, movements, or developments during that time period. Here are two examples:

1. Women's Suffrage Movement: One major social change that took place during this period was the fight for women's suffrage. This movement aimed to secure voting rights for women and promote gender equality. To find more information about this movement and its impact on society, you can search for "women's suffrage movement" or "women's rights movement" during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

2. Prohibition: Another notable social change was the implementation of Prohibition, which was the nationwide ban on the production, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages in the United States. This movement was driven by various factors such as religious groups, social reformers, and concerns about alcohol's impact on society. To learn more about Prohibition and its consequences, you can search for "Prohibition in the United States" or "temperance movement."

By exploring these two social changes, you will gain a better understanding of the developments that occurred between 1865 and 1945.