To prepare a 0.250M solution of Ca(NO3)2, you will need to calculate the amount of Ca(NO3)2 needed and then dissolve it in a specific volume of solvent, typically water. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Determine the molar mass of Ca(NO3)2.
The molar mass is calculated by adding up the atomic masses of all the atoms in the formula. In this case, Ca(NO3)2 contains one calcium atom (Ca), two nitrate ions (NO3-), and each nitrate ion contains one nitrogen atom (N) and three oxygen atoms (O). The atomic masses can be found on the periodic table.

Molar mass of Ca(NO3)2 = (atomic mass of Ca) + 2 × (atomic mass of N) + 6 × (atomic mass of O)

Step 2: Calculate the mass of Ca(NO3)2 required.
To calculate the mass of Ca(NO3)2 needed for a specific volume of solution, you can use the formula:

Mass (in grams) = Molarity × Volume (in liters) × Molar mass

In this case, since you want to prepare a 0.250M solution, you need the molar mass and the desired volume of the solution. Let's say you want to prepare 500 mL (0.5 liters) of the 0.250M solution:

Mass (in grams) = 0.250 mol/L × 0.5 L × Molar mass

Step 3: Dissolve the calculated mass of Ca(NO3)2 in the desired volume of solvent.
Weigh out the calculated mass of Ca(NO3)2 using a balance and transfer it into a suitable container. Then add the desired amount of water (0.5 liters) and stir until the solid is fully dissolved. Make sure all the Ca(NO3)2 has dissolved before use.

It is important to note that when working with chemicals, it is necessary to follow proper laboratory safety procedures and handle them with care.