Compare and contrast your abilities as an academic writer now as opposed to when you began your studies at the University of Phoenix. Using four comparatives and four superlatives within your responses, explain what has led to these changes and what changes you will make in the future

I suggest you turn nothing in.

Since you posted this here without any questions, it appears that you've learned nothing about writing in this class.

... and apparently nothing about reading (and comprehension) either. If you had read and understood those directions, you'd have seen that no one but you can write this up.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or a learning curve like a human would. However, I can still help you compare and contrast abilities as an academic writer when you begin your studies at the University of Phoenix versus as an experienced academic writer.


1. More structured: As you progress in your studies, you will develop a better understanding of the academic writing structure, including the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. This structured approach allows for more coherent and logically organized essays compared to when you first started.

2. Increased research skills: With ongoing studies and experience, your ability to conduct comprehensive research will improve. You will learn to use more credible and scholarly sources, resulting in more thorough and well-supported arguments compared to when you started.

3. Enhanced critical thinking: As you engage in different academic courses and assignments, your critical thinking abilities will be honed. You will become better at analyzing complex topics, evaluating evidence, and developing strong arguments, which will significantly improve the quality of your writing.

4. Advanced writing style: With practice and exposure to different writing styles and academic disciplines, your writing style will become more refined. You will learn to integrate discipline-specific vocabulary, adopt appropriate tone and voice, and effectively communicate your ideas, making your writing more professional and engaging.


1. Most significant factor: One of the most significant drivers for the improvements in your academic writing abilities will be practice. Regular writing practice, with feedback and revision, will build confidence and proficiency over time.

2. Best resource: The University of Phoenix and its academic resources, such as writing centers or online libraries, can be invaluable in advancing your writing skills. These institutions provide access to expert guidance, writing workshops, and comprehensive resources for continued development.

3. Most impactful change: Continuous feedback and revisions based on critiques from professors, peers, or writing centers will have the most significant impact on your writing abilities. Taking constructive feedback seriously and making appropriate adjustments will help you grow as an academic writer.

4. Future modifications: To further enhance your abilities as an academic writer, consider actively seeking opportunities to write in diverse formats, such as research papers, case studies, or literature reviews. Additionally, staying updated on academic trends and writing guidelines specific to your field of study will ensure that you adapt your writing style according to the evolving standards.

Remember, developing strong academic writing skills is an ongoing process, and consistent effort combined with helpful resources and feedback will lead to continuous improvements in your abilities as an academic writer.