Train L and Train M leave a station at the same time heading in opposite directions. Train L is going north at an average speed of 70 miles per hour (mph). Train M is going south at an average speed of 85 mph.

How long does it take each train, in hours, to travel 225 miles along the track?
1. Identify what is being asked.
2. Strategize how to solve the question, name any unknown variables.
3. Write an equation or two that could be used to solve this question. Explain why your equation is correct.
4. Answer the Question. Include a written response as well as an answer.
5. Check your work to see if the answer is reasonable.

We'll be glad to check your answers.


train L - 3hrs and 12min

train M - 2hrs and 48 min

1. The question is asking for the time it takes for each train to travel 225 miles.

2. To solve this question, we can use the formula:
Time = Distance / Speed
We need to find the time taken by Train L and Train M. The unknown variable is the time.

3. For Train L:
Time taken by Train L = Distance / Speed of Train L
Time taken by Train L = 225 miles / 70 mph

For Train M:
Time taken by Train M = Distance / Speed of Train M
Time taken by Train M = 225 miles / 85 mph

These equations are correct because time can be calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the speed at which the train is traveling.

4. Answer:
Time taken by Train L = 225 miles / 70 mph = 3.21 hours (rounded to two decimal places)
Time taken by Train M = 225 miles / 85 mph = 2.65 hours (rounded to two decimal places)

Train L takes approximately 3.21 hours to travel 225 miles, and Train M takes approximately 2.65 hours.

5. Checking the work:
The answer seems reasonable. Since Train M is traveling at a higher speed than Train L, it takes less time to cover the same distance. The calculated times are consistent with this expectation.