1.The fawn (lay, laid) down in the undergrowth.

2.Every night this week, the cat has (lain, laid) on the piano bench to sleep.
3.Have they (risen, raised) prices?
4.The balloon slowly (rises, raises) as the air heats up.
5. The bread dough is (rising, raising) in the pan.


#1 is incorrect.

All the rest are correct.


Thank you

that exact question was on my homework thx

To determine the correct verb form to use in each sentence, it helps to understand the differences between "lay" and "laid," and "lie" and "lain," as well as "rise" and "raised," and "rise" and "raising."

1. The fawn (lay, laid) down in the undergrowth.
To determine the correct verb form here, you need to consider whether it is an action that someone or something is doing to something else. In this sentence, the fawn is performing the action of lying down, so "lay" is the correct form. "Lay" is the past tense of "lie," which means to recline or be in a horizontal position.

2. Every night this week, the cat has (lain, laid) on the piano bench to sleep.
Similarly, in this sentence, the cat is performing the action of lying down on the piano bench. Since it is the past participle of "lie," the correct form is "lain."

3. Have they (risen, raised) prices?
In this sentence, we are asking if prices have increased. To determine the correct verb form, think about whether it is an action that someone or something is doing to something else. In this case, prices are being increased, so "raised" is the correct form.

4. The balloon slowly (rises, raises) as the air heats up.
Here, we are describing the action of the balloon as it goes up in the air. Since it is performing the action of moving upwards on its own, "rises" is the correct form.

5. The bread dough is (rising, raising) in the pan.
In this sentence, we are describing the action of the bread dough as it expands and gets taller inside the pan. The dough is doing the action of expanding, so "rising" is the correct form.

In summary:
- "Lay" is the past tense of "lie," which means to recline or be in a horizontal position.
- "Lain" is the past participle of "lie."
- "Raised" is the past tense of "raise," which means to lift or move something to a higher position.
- "Rises" is the present tense of "rise," which means to move or go upwards.
- "Rising" is the present participle of "rise."