log10(1.4 x 10-5)

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log 10 (1.4 * 10^(-5))

diffence between dipole interactions and vanderwaal forces

To calculate log base 10 (log10) of a number, you can use a scientific calculator or follow these steps:

Step 1: Recognize that log10 represents the power (exponent) to which 10 must be raised to get the given number.
Step 2: Rewrite the number in scientific notation if it is not already given that way.
- In this case, 1.4 x 10^-5 is already in scientific notation.
Step 3: Use the basic logarithmic rule that log10(x × y) = log10(x) + log10(y) to split the number into its factors.
- log10(1.4 x 10^-5) = log10(1.4) + log10(10^-5)
Step 4: Evaluate the logarithms of the individual factors.
- log10(1.4) is the logarithm of 1.4 to base 10. You can use a scientific calculator or logarithm tables to find this value. The answer is approximately 0.146.
- Since log10(10^-5) represents the power (exponent) to which 10 must be raised to get 10^-5, the answer is -5.
Step 5: Add the logarithms of the individual factors together.
- log10(1.4) + log10(10^-5) = 0.146 + (-5) = -4.854

Therefore, log10(1.4 x 10^-5) is approximately -4.854.