What can i say at the start and at the end of a recorded interview? i will be interviewing an agriculturist.

PsyDag answered this question for you this morning.


can i begin with. hi ..hello? how are you? and end with thank you very much sir.

When conducting a recorded interview with an agriculturist, it is important to establish a professional and respectful tone. Here are some suggestions for what you can say at the beginning and end of the interview:

1. Introduction:
a. Start by introducing yourself and the purpose of the interview, for example, "Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is [Your Name]. I am conducting an interview on [specific topic] and I am here with [Agriculturist's Name]."

b. Express your gratitude for their willingness to participate, such as, "Thank you for taking the time to be here today and sharing your expertise on [topic]. I am excited to learn from you."

c. Briefly explain the format and goals of the interview, like, "During this interview, we will discuss [specific areas or questions] to gain insight into [topic]."

2. Conclusion:
a. Thank the agriculturist for their contributions and expertise, such as, "I would like to express my sincere gratitude for sharing your valuable insights. Your expertise has provided a deeper understanding of [topic]."

b. Offer to share the final product or any relevant information, for example, "Once the interview is edited and compiled, I would be happy to share the recording with you. Additionally, if there are any follow-up questions or additional resources you would like, please let me know."

c. Wrap up the interview by expressing appreciation once again, like, "Thank you once again for your time and cooperation. Your participation has been invaluable in shedding light on [topic]."

Remember that maintaining a respectful and professional tone throughout the interview is crucial to create a positive experience for both the interviewee and the audience.