Math Magicians charges $45 registration fee plus $30 per hour for tutoring. Math Master charges $25 registration fee plus #35 per hour tutoring fee. How many hours per tutoring would it take to make Math Magicians cheaper than Math Master?

x = number of hours

45 + 30x < 25 + 35x

Solve for x

x= number of hours


To determine how many tutoring hours it would take for Math Magicians to be cheaper than Math Master, we need to set up an equation and solve for the unknown variable.

Let's assume x represents the number of tutoring hours per session.

For Math Magicians, the cost is given by:
Cost (Math Magicians) = $45 (registration fee) + $30 (tutoring fee per hour) * x (number of tutoring hours)

For Math Master, the cost is given by:
Cost (Math Master) = $25 (registration fee) + $35 (tutoring fee per hour) * x (number of tutoring hours)

We need to find the point at which the cost of Math Magicians is cheaper than Math Master. In other words, we need to find the x value that satisfies the equation:
Cost (Math Magicians) < Cost (Math Master)

So, the equation becomes:
$45 + $30 * x < $25 + $35 * x

Now, let's solve this inequality to find the value of x where Math Magicians becomes cheaper than Math Master.

$45 + $30 * x < $25 + $35 * x

Subtract $30 * x and $25 from both sides:

$45 - $25 < $35 * x - $30 * x


$20 < $5 * x

Divide both sides by $5:

4 < x

Therefore, it would take more than 4 tutoring hours per session for Math Magicians to be cheaper than Math Master.