7/10 - W= 1/2

solve for W

1/2 = 5/10

7/10 - W= 5/10

7/10 - 5/10 = W
? = W

To solve for W in the equation 7/10 - W = 1/2, we can isolate W on one side of the equation. Let's go through the steps:

Step 1: Subtract 7/10 from both sides of the equation:
7/10 - W = 1/2
- W = 1/2 - 7/10

Step 2: To subtract the fractions, we need a common denominator. The least common denominator (LCD) between 2 and 10 is 10. We'll convert 1/2 to a fraction with a denominator of 10:
- W = (1/2) * (5/5) - 7/10
- W = 5/10 - 7/10

Step 3: Subtract the fractions:
- W = (5 - 7)/10
- W = -2/10

Step 4: Simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 2 in this case:
- W = (-2/2)/(10/2)
- W = -1/5

Therefore, the solution to the equation 7/10 - W = 1/2 is W = -1/5.