Maxine is studying about electrolytes in her chemistry class. The teacher asks her to test 4 different solutions to determine how well each one conducts electricity. which solution will best conduct electric current?

a) HC2H3O2
b) C2H5OH
c) KOH
d) H2O2

To determine which solution will best conduct electric current, Maxine needs to consider the properties of electrolytes. Electrolytes are substances that produce ions when dissolved in water, allowing an electric current to pass through the solution.

Maxine can examine the chemical formulas of the given solutions to identify the ones that are likely to be electrolytes. In general, ionic compounds tend to be strong electrolytes, while covalent compounds are weak or non-electrolytes.

Let's evaluate each solution:

a) HC2H3O2 (acetic acid): This compound is a weak electrolyte because it partly dissociates into ions in water. While it does conduct some electric current, it is not as effective as strong electrolytes.

b) C2H5OH (ethanol): This compound is a covalent compound and is therefore a non-electrolyte. It does not dissociate into ions when dissolved in water, so it does not allow for the flow of electric current.

c) KOH (potassium hydroxide): This compound is a strong electrolyte because it readily breaks down into potassium ions (K+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) in water. It will allow for the most effective flow of electric current among the given options.

d) H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide): This compound is a covalent compound and is a non-electrolyte. It does not dissociate into ions in water and, therefore, does not conduct electric current.

Based on this evaluation, the solution that will best conduct electric current is c) KOH (potassium hydroxide).