I have to order these steps that a CSI would do upon arrival of scence.

1. Look for identification on the body.

2. Notify the Medical Examiner to determine if head injury is sufficient to cause death.

3. Have the forensic laboratory analyze blood on trail and match it to blood on skateboard and from body.

4. Tape off area with crime scene tape to ensure integrity of scene.

5. Determine or have someone determine time of death.

6. Videotape body and scene.

7. Notify next of kin.

8. Determine who is missing in the area.

9. Ask the news media to please ask those using the trail recently to contact you.

10. Identify the brand name of the skateboard and where it was purchased.

11. Determine if identifying marks exist on the skateboard.

12. Determine if there was foul play or if a fall from the skateboard was the cause of death.

13. Determine exact time of volcanic eruption.

14. After determining the victim’s ID, ask friends about lifestyle of deceased.

15. Attempt to locate missing shoe.

16. Take digital pictures of scene including area, skateboard, and where deceased was located.

17. Have Toxicology exam done on the remains.

18. Should Toxicology exam be requested, what drugs would you request be identified?

19. Determine if dogs usually roam the area.

20. Determine weather at that location for the last few days.

21. Come up with scenarios of what may have happened and sketch scenes.

22. Determine if where the body was found is also where the individual had died (i.e., is this a primary or secondary crime scene?)

23. Draw a sketch of scene.

24. Determine if the skateboard is tuned and in good working order.

25. Determine if the skateboard has had light or heavy use.

I have a few done but not sure if they are correct.

1) Tape off area with crime scence tape.
2)Draw a sketch
3) Videotape body and scence
4)Take digital pictures inclusing area skateboatd and where deceased was,
5) Deterime if where the body was found is also where the individual had died.

I got this far and got stumpted



Here is the correct order of steps that a CSI would typically do upon arrival at the scene:

1) Tape off the area with crime scene tape to ensure the integrity of the scene.
2) Determine if where the body was found is also where the individual had died (i.e., is this a primary or secondary crime scene?).
3) Draw a sketch of the scene.
4) Videotape the body and the scene.
5) Take digital pictures of the scene, including the area, skateboard, and where the deceased was located.
6) Look for identification on the body.
7) Notify the next of kin.
8) Determine the time of death or have someone determine it.
9) Have the forensic laboratory analyze blood on the trail and match it to blood on the skateboard and from the body.
10) Determine if dogs usually roam the area.
11) Determine the weather at that location for the last few days.
12) Ask the news media to please ask those using the trail recently to contact you.
13) Determine who is missing in the area.
14) Identify the brand name of the skateboard and where it was purchased.
15) Determine if identifying marks exist on the skateboard.
16) Determine if there was foul play or if a fall from the skateboard was the cause of death.
17) After determining the victim's ID, ask friends about the lifestyle of the deceased.
18) Have a toxicology exam done on the remains.
19) If a toxicology exam is requested, identify the drugs to be tested for.
20) Attempt to locate a missing shoe.
21) Determine if the skateboard is tuned and in good working order.
22) Determine if the skateboard has had light or heavy use.
23) Come up with scenarios of what may have happened and sketch scenes.
24) Notify the medical examiner to determine if the head injury is sufficient to cause death.
25) Determine the exact time of a volcanic eruption.

Note: Step 25, "Determine the exact time of a volcanic eruption," seems unrelated to the scenario and can be excluded from the correct order.