what do you get if you subtract 17/19ths and 2/13ths

Which are subtracting from which?


To subtract fractions, you need to have a common denominator. The common denominator is the smallest multiple that both denominators (the bottom numbers of the fractions) can evenly divide into.

To find a common denominator for 19 and 13, you can multiply the denominators together:
19 * 13 = 247

Now, you need to express both fractions with the common denominator of 247. To do this, you need to multiply the numerator (the top number of the fraction) and the denominator of each fraction by the same factor that turns the original denominator into the common denominator.

For the first fraction, 17/19, you would multiply both the numerator and denominator by 13, since 13 * 19 = 247. This gives you (17 * 13) / (19 * 13).

For the second fraction, 2/13, you would multiply both the numerator and denominator by 19, as 19 * 13 = 247. This gives you (2 * 19) / (13 * 19).

Now that both fractions have the common denominator 247, you can subtract them:
(17 * 13) / (19 * 13) - (2 * 19) / (13 * 19)

Simplifying the fractions, you get:
221 / 247 - 38 / 247

When the denominators are the same, you can subtract the numerators and keep the common denominator:
(221 - 38) / 247

Calculating the numerators, you get:
183 / 247

So, the result of subtracting 17/19ths and 2/13ths is 183/247.